“For me, being a woman is being blessed with the unique abilities of growth and creativity. We are safe places where new things can grow and come forth.”
Nicole is a pioneer in the world of tech, continually expanding her knowledge and pushing her limits in the area of web development. Although this field of work has proven difficult and often exclusive at times, she strives to inspire, educate, and welcome other women and people of color into the industry. Meet Nicole. This is her story.
K: Please introduce yourself!
N: My name is Nicole Young. I am a self taught front end web developer and freelancer, currently in a full stack coding bootcamp to hone my skills. I am passionate about helping other women and people of color get into the tech industry and learn how to code because I know first hand the positive impact it can have on our lives, our communities and on the tech products and software that we create.
K: Describe yourself in your own words
N: I am best described by my personality type – an Advocate (INFJ). I am introverted but find it hard not to speak up when I am passionate about a topic. I spend a lot of my time thinking about how my actions will impact others and have devoted my time to a cause that I believe can help change the world.
K: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
N: I like that I am sensitive towards others' situations and feelings. I want everyone around me to feel included and heard, because I know how it feels to be excluded and ignored.
K: Tell us a story. Have you had an experience that’s defined you or made you stronger?
N: Absolutely. My experience of stumbling into the tech industry, as a psychology major, is what inspired me to do all that I am doing now. On one hand the experience was exhilarating. I was learning so much so quickly and interacting with technology in a way that I never imaged. For the first time in my life, technology felt accessible to me even as a person that would describe herself as the least tech savvy person.
On the other hand, however, I struggled with feeling excluded, being emotionally manipulated by people in positions of power, and all around outcased being the only Black woman at the company I was working for. Although I was finding my purpose, I was simultaneously experiencing the outcomes of being an "other" in an industry that is in desperate need of diversity and inclusion efforts.
Looking back on it I will say that I would not change the experience if I could. Seeing things first hand is what inspired me to start sharing my experiences on YouTube and my social media channels. It is what helped me to create a safe space for others like me to gain access to the resources and information that they need to get into tech and navigate difficult work environments.
K: What is one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?
N: Don't let anyone else define who you are and set a limit on your potential. Including yourself. Always stay curious and give yourself the permission to try new things, even when it's scary, even when you don't know what others might think.
K: What does being a woman mean to you?
N: For me, being a woman is being blessed with the unique abilities of growth and creativity. We are safe places where new things can grow and come forth.
K: Who is one woman that inspires you? What would you say to her if she were here now?
N: My mother. She was my first example. She taught both with words and action how to speak, carry myself, advocate for and love myself and others. I wouldn't be me without her.